Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The Ultimate, "Must-Have" Home-Based Business for YOU

By Paul Wilson
Become A Global Home Business Pro. Free eBook download -17 Free. Make money with our 40 high-demand products.

The Ultimate, "Must-Have" Home-Based Business for YOU a Underemployed, Unemployed, or Industrial Age Individual

Allow me to educate you on the issue of job security and paint you a picture of what the aftermath can be if you remain comfortable at your regular job. Job security is an old-fashioned term that claims the longer an employee worked for a particular company, the more precious that person became. The employee was once valuable to the company because they graduated from college, got a degree, and/or had determination for hard labor.
Practical Home Business Ideas. Over 130 Business Ideas You Can Start From Home.

In the past, it was all right to become comfortable with your position. In today's society, being comfortable is the wrong thing to do and actually, it's a trap. This trap is the reason why people with college degrees are without jobs and the good workers are always the first ones released from a professional setting. I am a Housekeeper for the Home at Hearthstone, a nursing home in Cincinnati, Ohio. I work from 7 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. for $8.40 per hour. The wages that I make alone, tells you that I am working at a dead-end job and receiving paychecks that don't reflect a thorough performance. I am an underemployed 19 year old-male who attends college and makes good grades. Graduating from college might raise my income level slightly, but it will not secure me a job.
Tip! DECIDE WHETHER TO JOIN A COMPANY'S AFFILIATE PROGRAM OR PURSUE OTHER OPPORTUNITIES. There are many different ways to start a home business.

I am among millions of individuals who like their jobs and work very hard at their occupations. I am also among many Americans who believe that in order to maintain my job; I must show up to work everyday on time, listen to my supervisor and do a complete and thorough job. These three things combined will not keep you your job. If you continue to hold that belief, you'll find yourself in debt, have bad credit, and lose your house and other financial obscurities. Losing what you have worked hard for all your life is not a great feeling! What I am about to tell you is very important and will save you time or otherwise, reality will slap you in the face! Job Security has departed from this world permanently.
PappaPc Home Business - Computer. Huge demand. Clean Computers. Spyware & Virus removal. 150K year real business.

Knowing that job security is dead, what can YOU do to create a substantial income? YOU need to do two things:

First, decide that you want to work for yourself. Second, take the initiative to start your own business. Either you can work for someone else or you can work for yourself.

The second choice is better than the first one. At 16, I thought that I can do whatever I want on the job as long is my work is done. In other words, I like to do things my way. I continue to feel like that today in the workforce. When working for a corporate employer, you must follow job policy at all times. Conflict will arise when your rules don't match policy rules and you're in jeopardy of losing your quicker than you expected. If you hold similar beliefs such as mine, then a home-based business if for YOU, which leads to the biggest hurdle of the two steps, taking the initiative.
Tip! Be patient and understand that large incomes never happen overnight in any home based business. This is even more true if you are working a full-time job in addition to working your home business.

If you don't take the initiative to start your own business, then you're making a foolish decision. Millions of people are without jobs or working for awful wages. This is due to a bad economy. The government will continue to show their lack of sympathy by taking many taxes out of the checks of lower and middle class citizens, while the rich continue to get tax breaks. (There is a solution to that problem if you click on the link in the resource box and click on the Taxwayz link inside my website.) On August 25, 2004, I joined the Moneywayz program because my goal is to make more money with a home-based business within a few months than I make with my regular job in an entire year. Within minutes of reading the brochure, I decided to put my skepticism to the side and take a chance because if you do not take chances, your income will become stagnant and you will still be a subordinate to your supervisor. Can you afford to live without money?
Great Home Business Ideas And Reports. Free Reports-2000rofits: Copy Us. Master Reprint Rights, Secret Formulas, Spy Software, Recipes,tons of materials to resell.

If you plan to start a home-based business, but don't have an idea on exactly what you want to do, then the following may be the most important. Would you like to become a part of a business that provides you with power-packed tools to become a business success on the Internet? Would you like to join a business who believes, "The Greatest Music Is Money"? Would you like to end financial depression? If this is correct, then read on further to the resource box. Educate yourself and develop your skills so you can be a demand for financial success!
Tip! Don't waste your time on cynics. It doesn't matter what type of business you have, these people will never succeed in any home business.

Paul Wilson II, a second-year college student, business owner will take you by the hand and paint YOU a picture of the exact results achieved with the Moneywayz program! Discover how you can achieve an explosive income with six profitable businesses, starting today: http://www.wealthonline-profitmachine.com/pips.html

Praveen Kumar
Success Coach

To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:
The One and Only Purpose of Advertising

I migrated to New Zealand around four years back and because
of my interest in real estate investing I decided to become a commercial
real estate agent to learn insider secrets of investing in my new
adopted country. It was a very brave step considering my background
of a retired naval officer. I had zero experience in making any kind of sale.

I started advertising in the newspapers and slowly my customer list began
to grow. I soon discovered that it was impossible for me
to contact my clients on telephone or through postal mail when a
new property came up on the market because it was simply too
time consuming. I then hit upon the idea of creating
e-mail mailing lists on outlook express. I divided my clients
into various investment categories and sent them details of
properties that were of interest to them. I also sent them
regular news letters. I did not realize that I had accidentally
hit upon the idea of e-mail marketing. Whenever I sent details of a property to my clients invariably I received 5 to 10 inquires which resulted in one or two offers. Soon other agents in the company realized I
was getting so many offers that they started approaching me with their
properties to sell and my business grew. Within a very short
period of time I became one of the top selling agent in my
company. Whenever a new customer responded to my newspaper or a
web advertisement, I request them for their e-mail address before
asking for their telephone number. I knew that my sales came from
repeated offers made through e-mails to my list. That in a nut
shell was the true secret of my success.

The tragedy is that when I started marketing on the internet
I missed this basic point of inherent strength of the e-mail
lists and got carried away by the hype of short cut and
lazy methods such as ad blasting, buying guaranteed
sign ups etc and in doing so parted with lot of
my hard earned money to the so called Internet gurus.

Fortunately I realized my mistake and got back to the basic
success formula of generating qualified opt in lists to succeed

I'll be brutally blunt with you...

If you don't have a responsive list of subscribers who have
agreed to receive your offers then...

‘You Do Not Have An Online Business!’

It sounds a bit harsh (I know), but from personal experience I
can assure you that the good old myth is 100% true. The Money
Is In The List!

But please don't perceive it as a myth, face the facts and drill
it in your head that you NEED to build a list.

You see, many marketers report making $1 per month - per
subscriber. This means that if you grow a responsive list of
5,000 subscribers, you can realistically expect to gross $5,000
in sales each and every month!

"When I Had No list, I Made No Money!"

It's true, I made zip, nada, zilch when I didn't have a list.
And although I kept hearing time after time that "The Money Is
In The List"… for some strange reason I just never built one
for my internet business.

I always felt that there had to be another (easier) way to
profit online, so I kept searching for a solution for 12 entire
months, and guess what? It was a complete waste of time & money.

But then one day, after 12 months of grueling failure, I finally
decided to devote all my time & effort to build my own
cash-pulling opt-in list (that has truly been the wisest
decision I've ever made)!

Today I make a very rewarding income from email marketing alone,
and I'm about to reveal EXACTLY how you, too, can do the same...
so keep reading!

Tools You Need To Start Being Successful...

The three basic tools you will need to start making very
targeted opt-in lists for your various campaigns are:

A) Lead Capture web pages
B) A cheap hosting account for your web-sites
C) A reliable auto responder service

These are the basic tools of your trade. You simply can not
build a list without these tools.

The one and only purpose of advertising is to capture the
e-mail address of the visitor/ customer otherwise you are simply
throwing away your advertising dollars. To achieve this your
website has to be designed around a lead capture page.

Once you create your lead capture page for a program you
must only advertise this page. This will give you the best
bang for your advertising dollar. The name, e-mail address &
other details you capture through your page are now your
property. This has two advantage.....firstly you can send follow
up messages through an auto responder. It normally takes anywhere
from 5 to 7 messages to establish a relationship with a potential
customer and explain him the details and benefits of your
product before a sale is made. Secondly, you now have the
ability to make new offers and maintain an ongoing relationship.
Over a period of time you can refine this list to service your
most prized clients for repeated business. Earlier you
were wasting your dollar on one time advertising or acting
as an agent of a program that was collecting your client
list in their data pool to grow their business. Over a period
of time you will build a list of highly responsive clients and
your business will explode with advertising costs dramatically
being reduce.

In the last message we spoke of the Tools You Need To Start Being Successful...

The three basic tools you will need to start making very
targeted opt-in lists for your various campaigns are:

A) Lead Capture web pages
B) A cheap hosting account for your web-sites
C) A reliable auto responder service

These are the basic tools of your trade. You simply can not
build a list without these tools.

One of the best software products for generating lead pages has
been created by Gabriel AguiƱaga. This lead page generator is
one of the best and easiest to use.

For the hosting account I recommend Hostgator. It is very
cheap at $9.95 per month and you can host multiple sites.
Hostgator has multiple features........please study their programme
by visiting their website.

Aweber and Getresponse are the two most popular auto responder
services. I use Getresponse because it is simple to operate
& allows me to create multiple campaigns & send attachments so
that I can send free e-books and offers to my clients. You
can check out the services by visiting:

There are some costs involved in setting up your systems but
there is no escape if you are serious about building your
online business. You can not do internet business without
having your own website or building your client base. Auto
responders once set up correctly make this task very easy.
Follow up messages go automatically without your intervention.
They put your business on auto pilot.

To succeed in business you have to assume leadership role
sooner than later & create systems that leverage your time.

The money is in your List. You will need to organize
your systems and your business will not only
multiply but explode.

Praveen Kumar
Success Coach

To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:
Name No-No’s
Copyright © Praveen Kumar


Whether your business is a work at home Internet business or staffs several hundred in a downtown skyscraper you’re going to be online to succeed, and you’re going to have to come up with a good business name and a good domain name. Here are some things to avoid in naming your work at home online business prior to setting up your Internet site.

The first mistake many new work at home online business owners make is to ask for too much input on Internet site and business name, from too many people. They tend to ask family and friends what their new business’ name should be, and what domain name it should have. The problem with this is that not all will really understand the business idea or the jargon involved in that business. The second reason to avoid this consultative process is that you can only choose one name. This means that the more people you ask the more people you are going to disappoint – and perhaps even insult.

It is far better to kick off the online and other aspects of your work at home Internet business by asking the opinion and business help of those few people who have been chosen to have an integral management part of your venture. You might pull these folks together and have a brainstorming session which you all feed off each other’s ideas. That way when the end results in a name each will feel like they’ve been a part of giving you that idea.

Another entrepreneurial business naming error is to tack and adjective together with a noun to come up with one word former with a middle of the word capital letter. If, for instance, your work at home Internet business were to offer online sale of luggage at discount prices you might be tempted to call it something like EconoPack. It’s bad for two reasons. No one can look at that name and know what it is you offer. Is it like a UPS store that offers shipping services? The other disadvantage is that the domain name may turn out to be econopack.com or .net. Which, without a capital P is even fussier. Luggage for Less would be a much clearer name.

If you think of the new (in the last five years) work at home Internet business start ups that have grown online to become household names, you’ll see that they all took zingy, snappy, lively names that differentiated themselves from others and weren’t likely to be copied. They didn’t take boring names that could be forgotten or worse yet, confused with other companies. Yahoo is one example. It could have been World Wide Search Engine instead. Google is another. Monster is a great example of a name that is not only memorable but suggestive of high volume, strength, durability and vast reach. Monster could have been Online Job Resource. What a blah name that would have been. All these started out as work at home Internet business projects by unknown online entrepreneurs. Their choice of business and Web site names paid a large part in their ability to brand themselves and thus to succeed.

Praveen Kumar is a retired Submarine Captain. He has a passion for real estate investing for capital growth and internet marketing for cash flow. He has been helping others, who share the same vision, to start their home businesses and become financially free. Please click here to learn more about what he has to offer.

To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:

Monday, October 30, 2006

aSOHO on the Web
Copyright © Praveen Kumar


If you don’t have a ton of upfront money and you really want to work for yourself – no partnership, no franchising, your work from home Internet business can still thrive in many freelance ventures.

The primary advantage to a freelance work at home Internet business, as opposed to affiliation with any other person or firm is that you are your own boss. The additional advantage is that you can generally keep your costs considerably less. Speed is another important ingredient in freelance work. If you freelance, you can start your business quickly, and start making money quickly.

The first thing to do in order to start your freelance work from home Internet business is to decide on what business you will offer. You need to know your skills, your experience, your strengths and your interests. If you consider skills, experience and strength without consider interest you’ve lost the point of working for yourself. You’ll left drudgery behind and headed to more drudgery. What are you passionate about? What makes you happy?

These are the things that should be part of your work from home Internet business. Of course, it has to make marketing sense too. If you love scuba diving but your market area is the desert you might want to consider another business, market exclusively on the Internet to expand your market, or move.

The personal questions you need to ask yourself before you decide on the right work from home Internet business, or even if you’re a good candidate for a work at home Internet business, are the following:

* Am I self-motivated?
* Am I self-disciplined?
* Am I organized or can I learn organization skills?
* Can I maintain focus for an extended period of time even in the face of distractions and adversity?
* Do I have confidence in myself and my skills in the business area I have chosen?
* Will I be miserable working alone, without the camaraderie and affirmation of my work colleagues and supervisors?
* Is my skill or product marketable?
* How will my life and my family’s life be affected by my having a work from home Internet business?
* Am I financially ready for this – able to live for six months to a year before showing a profit?

If you’ve answered these questions in a positive way, a freelance work from home Internet business is probably for you. The most prominent freelance work from home Internet business ventures are jobs for: writers; editors; copywriters; designers; virtual call center reps offering inbound or outbound sales, customer service or technical support services; and computer professionals such as programmers, designers and Webmasters. Hundreds of other freelance work from home Internet business types exist, however, in dozens of varying industries. If you want to work from home at your very own Internet business an opportunity awaits you somewhere.

Praveen Kumar is a retired Submarine Captain. He has a passion for real estate investing for capital growth and internet marketing for cash flow. He has been helping others, who share the same vision, to start their home businesses and become financially free. Please click here to learn more about what he has to offer.

To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:
Web Work That Won’t Work
Copyright © Praveen Kumar


While there are many legitimate work at home Internet business possibilities and many reputable and honest work at home Internet business vendors, there are also some fraudulent schemes. You must choose carefully. The most prominent of these fraudulent schemes is for medical billing. Touted as one of the best work at home Internet business ideas, these schemers are just out for your money. The idea is to charge an upfront fee to get you started, and then leave you to fend for yourself in an industry where you have little chance of succeeding. Other fraudulent business opportunity schemes such as envelope stuffing and product assembly take your money and then reject your work – and thus its payment – as substandard.

Advertisements touting these prepackaged medical billing centers show up on TV, on the Web and in newspapers. Major metro newspapers, probably the most savvy about these schemes, generally do not accept the ads. Responding to the ad for the medical billing work at home Internet business opportunity will result in your receiving a phone call, with a pitch about the burgeoning health care system crisis. Typically the hawker will tell you that claims are piling up and waiting to be processed. The result, according to the person on the phone, is to process these claims electronically, which is not being done often or expansively. This, the pitch goes, is what makes it a lucrative work at home Internet business for you.

The promise is that you’ll make a lot of money as doctors outsource their billing to you. You can, they say, work in accounts receivable, insurance claims and physician or dentist practice management. Including in the presentation is the assurance that not only do you not need experience but that their sales staff will kick start your work at home Internet business by putting you together with health care clients. The reality is that if you have any chance at all to make any money – or even get your initial investment back – you’re going to have to find your own clients.

The investment for this alleged lucrative work at home Internet business is not small – typically $2500-$9000. Prior to your commitment you will be mailed a business brochure, the application and license agreement (contract), document of disclosure, diskette samples, references and testimonials and videocassettes. Your investment is supposed to result in training, software and technical support. The references are commonly shills – the name for people that a company hires to provide favorable but dishonest testimonials.

The reality is that medical billing is seldom a lucrative work at home Internet business. Few people who purchase these programs are able to find enough clients to even recoup their investment much less make a living at it. It’s not that medical billing isn’t a legitimate business. It’s that the competition is fierce and the market is saturated.

Praveen Kumar is a retired Submarine Captain. He has a passion for real estate investing for capital growth and internet marketing for cash flow. He has been helping others, who share the same vision, to start their home businesses and become financially free. Please click here to learn more about what he has to offer.

To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Survey Schemers
Copyright © Praveen Kumar


Getting paid to take online surveys is a legitimate work at home Internet business opportunity. Many sites, however, that say that they offer you a home Internet survey business opportunity are really offering you only the opportunity to pay upfront money for a listing of those who will pay you to take surveys. Most of these firms you could have found for yourself, and some aren’t even current. One consumer advocacy group reviewed hundreds of sites and firms offering survey taking as a work at home Internet business opportunity. Of the hundreds they reviewed they were able to recommend only five.

It’s so easy for a netpreneur to set up a Web site offering to pay users for taking online surveys. All it takes is a few hours. There are no surveys from this site, more often than not. These sites primarily turn out to be only a work at home Internet business opportunity for the netpreneur that set up the site. All others pay upfront and get little of value in return. Even if the lists they offer are any good or the links work (which many times they don’t) these are quite often companies that again want upfront money for an alleged work at home Internet business taking surveys.

The fees for the initial directories can be as $100. What you get for your money is usually a directory that is out of date, links that don’t work, phone numbers that are disconnected or reassigned, and email addresses that bounce back. You don’t find any customer service assistance or any refund offer. Once you start asking for a refund due to your inability to start a work at home Internet business opportunity from the material you paid them for, the refuse to reply and then the site is shut down after several dissatisfied buyers. These schemers aren’t gone, though – nor are their schemes. They just pop up on the Web under a different company name and different domain. Even when these alleged work at home Internet business opportunity sites are live their navigation is generally poor, information such as contacts is inadequate and some of the pages don’t work.

The five sites that the consumer advocate agency recommended as legitimate paid survey work at home Internet business opportunity firms charge upfront fees up to $60 but actually have staff dedicated to helping you find survey clients and assignments. They all offer a 100 percent guarantee of your money back after as many as 45 days. The actual honoring of this agreement has been verified by the agency with each of the five paid survey firms.

With these paid survey sites, the work at home Internet business opportunity may not make you rich but it’s a good income. What you can expect for your upfront fee is as many as 25 offers each day to take online surveys for which you are paid about $15-$25 each. Some of them, though not most, pay as much as $75. The lower end payment surveys amount to about 5-15 minutes of your time, while the higher paying surveys might take 30 minutes. So, a 20 hour week would provide you with a median monthly income of $1600. Not bad for something will the many benefits of work at home Internet business opportunity projects – little if any overhead, no dress code, no training or experience required and hours that you set for yourself.

Praveen Kumar is a retired Submarine Captain. He has a passion for real estate investing for capital growth and internet marketing for cash flow. He has been helping others, who share the same vision, to start their home businesses and become financially free. Please click here to learn more about what he has to offer.

To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:
Getting Web Words Write
Copyright © Praveen Kumar


Your work at home based Internet business relies heavily on your Web marketing to bring in new customers. To make this tactic work you must know how to write great sales copy for your site. Here are some ideas on just how to do that.

The first tip for keeping consumers on your site and inducing them to buy your product or service is to create headlines that get their attention. Of course, it has to be followed by material that keeps their attention, but we’ll get to that later.

Don’t be weak, but don’t be hyperbolic. If you’re weak you’re boring and not very convincing. If you use hyperbole you won’t be believed or trusted – the kiss of death for a work at home based Internet business. What we mean by weak is, “Welcome to my site. I think you’re going to like what you see here.” Well, if you’re not sure, they sure won’t be. Hyperbole is, “You’ll be glad you found the only site you’ll ever need again.” Yeah, right. Bye.

There are two things you must focus on when you create your site headlines. People want help and information, and they want it fast. Get right to the point. If you’re offering legal services for DUI citations you might start off by saying, “We can help You Save Your Job, Your License, Your Freedom and Your Reputation.” See how that works? You haven’t promised you will, because of course you can’t. But you’ve gotten right to the heart of why they are seeking you out, told them emphatically that you can help them, and did it in a dramatic and attention-getting way.

A work at home based Internet business must know its target audience and hone in on that segment of Web users. You can’t be everything to everyone, nor can your copy convincingly claim that. You must know what you are going to offer and to whom you are going to offer it and then focus your sales copy and your advertising campaign to bring those folks to your site. The best way to learn about who your audience is may have to be to get a small audience to your site and then see who they are and where they go. Your Web host can provide the details of the server logs from which you will learn which pages are the most popular, not only because they are visited most often but because users stay on them the longest. They can also tell you the days and times of day most people come to your site as well as the point at which (the page) they leave your site.

From this you’ll know your age, gender, and other demographics of your niche (if you’ve been smart and required or encouraged free registration) and what pages need rewrite and redesign to keep folks from leaving at that point.

The other important sales tactics for your work at home based Internet business are to establish business credibility with clear contact information, clear biographies of all key players in the business, and business testimonials. You want to focus not only on the features of your products and services but their benefits as well. Tell your potential customers what you can do for them. Don’t forget, as many do, to ask for that sale – over and over again.

Praveen Kumar is a retired Submarine Captain. He has a passion for real estate investing for capital growth and internet marketing for cash flow. He has been helping others, who share the same vision, to start their home businesses and become financially free. Please click here to learn more about what he has to offer.

To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:
High-Tech Prep
Copyright © Praveen Kumar


A large part of starting a home based Internet business is installing and maintaining the various technical pieces of equipment and software programs you’ll need to market, create, and deliver your various products or services. While this technological side of starting a home based Internet business may seem tedious, harrowing, costly and possibly even frightening at first, keep in mind that ultimately it should advance the quality of your life, make your work and even your home life more efficient and relaxed and make you money. While you won’t want to invest in your technical wish list when you first start out you do want to get quality products and the right applications and equipment to save you time and offer your clients the most professional looking marketing materials and finished products.

Another important aspect of your technical and computer purchases when you’re first starting your home based Internet business is that your PC be upgradable and have plenty of ports for add-on peripherals as you grow and want to expand your business “toys.”

As a sole proprietor starting a tiny home based Internet business you probably won’t need your own server, although as you expand that might be easier and less costly. A robust media center could let you control your home office video and audio functions as well as your home TV. You could install TiVo to digitally record the TV programs you’re missing while in your office, although many cable companies offer this service through their digital boxes. Intel has designed a PC all-in-one media center that lets you combine software and hardware in one PC setup that is very easy to use. You can not only run your home based Internet business but it can be used for starting the home videos, music or Web access.

Probably not while you are starting you home based Internet business, but once it is up and running and making a profit, you might want to add some great high-end high-tech extras to your home office as well as your home. NetgearStorage Central SC 101 connects wirelessly to your firm’s network but you’ll see it in your Windows setup as a hard drive attachment. From here you can now handle all your games, music, videos and photographs as well as your home Internet business’ records and documents. You can make these business records private so that you can share your new network device with your family without fear of a security breach. Another alternative is made by Iomega – a terabyte-sized multimedia hub.

Backup is a crucial need when you are starting a home based Internet business. You can purchase automatic back up devices or flash drives depending on the volume of your need. If your choice is for flash drives it’s best to look on the Web for discounts and buy in bulk or buy flash drives of 1 GB storage or more. If you’re working with a tower whose USB ports are on the back a flash drive hub is a handy tool. It offers four or five additional USB ports and a long cord that allows you to bring the hub and the ports within easy reach.

Praveen Kumar is a retired Submarine Captain. He has a passion for real estate investing for capital growth and internet marketing for cash flow. He has been helping others, who share the same vision, to start their home businesses and become financially free. Please click here to learn more about what he has to offer.

To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Check it Out!
Copyright © Praveen Kumar


A search for an Internet home business opportunity from one of the major search engines yielded 11,800,000 results. What a staggering number to wade through! The sad fact is that many of these so-called Internet home business opportunity vendors represent an opportunity for one person – themselves. While you certainly can find a legitimate and promising Internet home business opportunity on the Web, just how do you tell the wheat from the chaff? Here are the most commonly asked questions about the legitimacy of business opportunities, and their answers.

The first question, and the one you should certainly ask, is where you can obtain the company’s pre-sale document of disclosure. The U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) requires that a business that offers a franchise or a business opportunity must provide prospective buyers with this document. The FTC doesn’t insist that the firms keep these documents available to the public however, so they’re not generally easy to find. 13 U.S. states do keep the franchise papers on file, while 26 states require anyone with a business opportunity to sell file its disclosure statement. These files are available to anyone who wishes to look at them if an appointment is made to review them or make copies right there at the office where they are stored. In California, the franchise documents are available online.

What potential Internet home business opportunity buyers want to know almost as often is where they can find out if complaints have been filed about the company, and the details of those complaints. They also want to know, of course, if the complaints have been resolved.

The answer, unfortunately, is there is not a good database, either through a state or federal agency, local municipality or private organization. The FTC as well as the Better Business Bureau keep track of complaints but it’s quite easy to change business names and locations once complaints stack up. The best protection is the FTC’s franchise rule that requires that firms provide potential buyers with the names, addresses and phone numbers of ten other buyers of this Internet home business opportunity. These must be the ten geographically closest to you.

It is imperative for your own investigation into the authenticity and soundness of this internet home business opportunity that you call these business people and ask them about the firm they bought. What’s important as well is that you visit each business location, even if at their home. Fraudulent business opportunity sellers can line up a number of friends and family to handle calls about their bogus business success.

Under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act any person who requests it is entitled to any information on the potential Internet home business opportunity that the FTC has on file.

Another resource is the Business Franchise Guide, found often in law libraries. This discloses the guidelines of each state and the U.S. federal government on franchisors and business opportunity vendors.

Praveen Kumar is a retired Submarine Captain. He has a passion for real estate investing for capital growth and internet marketing for cash flow. He has been helping others, who share the same vision, to start their home businesses and become financially free. Please click here to learn more about what he has to offer.

To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:
Starts That Won’t Stop You
Copyright © Praveen Kumar


When you start a home based business on the Internet – or anywhere else for that matter – there are commonplace mistakes to avoid. Here are some of these mistakes.

The first tip on what not to do when you start a home based business on the Internet is to concentrate not only on the product or service you are delivering but the business management aspects of your business as well. If, for example, you worked for someone else as a Web site designer, did a great job of designing a number of laudable sites and so decided to go out on your own and start a home based graphic design on the Internet you must know more than how to design the sites. You must know also how to choose your business name, write the content for the site or hire someone else to do it, advertise your service, set up and manage your accounting functions, perhaps even hire employees some day.

You must know how to set up your home office and how to manage the customer service and vendor contacts including payments and complaints. None of these things have anything to do with designing a great Web site but they all are crucial to starting a home based business on the Internet.

Many people make the mistake when they start a home based business on the Internet of taking on the wrong business partner either to gain additional finances or to increase and round out the firm’s business expertise. Some of these business partners are friends, former colleagues or family members. Most of the time these partnerships crash and burn, bringing about the additional disadvantage of ruined personal relationships as well. Before bringing in a partner to help start a home based business on the Internet consider other financial resources and the use of consultants.

Sometimes starting a home based business on the Internet doesn’t have to mean starting from scratch, and sometimes it shouldn’t mean that. If you haven’t done your market research you may not realize that the market won’t support your product. The product may not be workable, may not have a large enough market, or the market might be saturated. There are times when the best start is buying into a proven franchise or buying out someone else who has made a success and for some sound reason such as retirement or illness, wants to sell their proven and lucrative firm.

Some entrepreneurs start a home based Internet business but dream small dreams. They stop at the point where they are making a decent wage instead of aiming for the entrepreneur stars.

Many start a home based Internet business by undercutting those that are already out on the Web with similar products. While that may be a sound way to start it can’t generally continue or you’ll always be fighting a battle to make a living wage and may be forced to cut quality corners, or reduce advertising and marketing tactics in order to turn some sort of meager profit. One of the best ways to compete on the Web is to offer great customer service, to go beyond anonymity to warm relationships with your customers. If you start a home based business on the Internet treating your customer as if she or he is the only one that counts, you’ll have repeat business and well on your way to netpreneurial success.

Praveen Kumar is a retired Submarine Captain. He has a passion for real estate investing for capital growth and internet marketing for cash flow. He has been helping others, who share the same vision, to start their home businesses and become financially free. Please click here to learn more about what he has to offer.

To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:
A real home based Internet business
Copyright © Praveen Kumar


A real home based Internet business has to comply with the same legal regulations as an Internet business from any other location. Here are the basic legal issues with which a real home based Internet business owner must be familiar.

The first issue, and a real concern for any home based Internet business is the restriction based on age. The U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) follows the regulations spelled out in COPPA, the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, and requires that children under the age of 13 cannot disclose their personal information unless a parent consents to it. Children under the age of 18 cannot be allowed to view adult content on the Internet, nor can they enter into any contract.

Real time occurrences on the Web, such as chats, must be controlled by the home based Internet business owner. Bulletin boards would have the same control issues. The rules of using each should solicit and retain the consent of each online user to refrain from posting pornography, defamatory material or anything that infringes on others’ rights. Your company should also clearly state on its site that you are not liable for other users that commit to following your policies and guidelines but subsequently violating them.

To make real your ownership of all property and content on your home based business Internet site you’ll need a copyright notice on the site’s footer. The notice should have the date and your name and the statement “All rights reserved.” A real copy of your home based business Internet site should be field with the U.S. copyright office. This will effectively record ownership of the contents of the site, as well as its look and its feel.

Your site’s domain name is an important part of the branding and marketing for your Internet business. It is best to tie that domain name as closely as possible to your logo, your brand and your business name. Carefully choose a domain name that clearly conveys the products or services of your real home based Internet business. Register your domain name as a trademark and you can retain ownership should it be challenged by another business.

If your site is on the World Wide Web then you must comply with export regulations. If you sell goods over the Internet to these global consumers then you are exporting items for sale and entering into international countries. If your site is encrypted then you are exporting to other countries U.S. Department of Commerce and Defense technology. There are many U.S. federal agencies that have regulations in force for doing business with other countries, and the times and circumstances that require a firm to get an export license to send information, technology or goods abroad.

There are countries with whom business transactions are limited severely for U.S. firms. These countries are Cuba, Iran, Iraq, North Korea, Syria and Yugoslavia. The best decision about the real problems you might encounter for your home based Internet business doing business with these countries and/ or its residents should be made with your attorney.

Praveen Kumar is a retired Submarine Captain. He has a passion for real estate investing for capital growth and internet marketing for cash flow. He has been helping others, who share the same vision, to start their home businesses and become financially free. Please click here to learn more about what he has to offer.

To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:
A Gathering of Netpreneurs
Copyright © Praveen Kumar


Plug in Profit is a four year old firm and concept that provides entrepreneurs with free Web sites as part of an incentive to affiliate with the Plug in Profit site. Many thousands of Plug in Profit affiliate business sites have grown up in the last few years thanks to this program. The marketing of owner Stone Evans is a key factor in the Plug in Profit success. Evans markets on the Web constantly. Search engine results for his or the Plug in Profit name are nearly two million total.

The net marketing venture is multi-faceted, with four programs going strong from the start. These are SF1, Host4 Profit, GetResponse and Internet Marketing Warriors. Two newer programs, Empowerism and Traffic Swarm have been equally successful early on. An entrepreneur can join any Plug in Profit program at no charge. Once you’ve joined and built your site you begin to bring in affiliates in your downline.

Entrepreneurs who join any or all of the programs start to see a profit right away. It generally takes 24 hours maximum to have your Web site built and visible on the World Wide Web. Each entrepreneur picks her or his own domain name and provides her or his own log. This is prominently displayed at the top of the home page. There is a hosting fee. The PIPS program provides its distributors online marketing tips and ongoing training developed for all skill and experience levels. You’ll even be able to participate in a members-only online forum to ask and answer questions.

Each entrepreneur has a chance to win valuable bonuses right from the beginning of his or his Plug in Profit venture. You might win software to help you market your new company, advertising credits towards purchase of pay per click ads, ad tracking applications and other marketing products. The book by the founder, “30 Days to Success” is included in the set up package. This day to day guide will help new entrepreneurs succeed on the Web.

In Stone’s book you’ll learn how and where to advertise your chosen Plug in Profit site and program on the Internet, how to write Web articles that will promote your business without your having to pay any advertising fee, how to grow sales marketing in various forums and how to link your site to thousands of others – and vice versa.

As a Plug In Profit netpreneur you can have your firm’s own e-mail newsletter that will market your company for 400 days in a row. This is given to you free of charge. Included is an auto responder that works with GetResponse software. Should you wish to eliminate the top of the newsletter advertising, you can pay for the professional upgraded newsletter version at a cost of $18 a month.

Your company’s Web site and newsletter marketing program is very customizable, allowing each entrepreneur to change the promotions and the look of the site and newsletter as she or he wishes.

Praveen Kumar is a retired Submarine Captain. He has a passion for real estate investing for capital growth and internet marketing for cash flow. He has been helping others, who share the same vision, to start their home businesses and become financially free. Please click here to learn more about what he has to offer.

To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:

Friday, October 27, 2006

Learn to Earn
Copyright © Praveen Kumar


One of the major points, besides making lots of money, of having an Internet home work income business is to be in charge of your life. An Internet home work income business is about working the schedule you want to work, wearing the wardrobe you want to wear, setting up the home office you want to have, and being your own boss. While no one (or at least no one legitimate) would ever tell you that an Internet home work income business is a breeze to start and make a lot of money at, those who have been there and done that and succeeded will tell you it’s wonderfully stimulating and satisfying – no matter what the financial outcome.

Financial outcome, however, is an important factor in any business, including an Internet home work income business. Training is one of the major factors in succeeding at any business, whether online or not, home or corporate. There are some things you must know about running a business in general, and working in your business’ industry in particular, if you are to earn the income from your Internet home work business that you desire.

One organization that offers online training dubs itself a business university. While it is a multi-level marketing firm and you’ll be buying from someone who has their own Internet home work income business, it does offer substantial business help at a reasonable cost. With the help of this school you can train on your computer from home. Topics include sales, leadership, self-improvement, communication, finance and real estate, among others. The initial entry fee is a mere $2 and that gets donated to the Save the Children fund.

What you’ll get for $2 is two weeks of complete access to the school’s curriculum. If after that period you’d like to continue the cost is about $50 a month. Courses are streaming video and audio and there’s an e-mail lesson once a week and workbook that is downloadable. An audio MP3 presentation can be downloaded as well.

An achievement program is also part of the package and included in this is a daily (Monday through Friday) lesson on many business topics. You’ll also get invitations to teleseminars presented by entrepreneur and executives as well as entry into 20 archived seminars.

Free bonuses with a value exceeding $800 are part of this 14 day package. Courses include speed reading, tax reduction tips and success in Internet marketing.

If you would choose to join the multi-level marketing firm and become a distributor offering this program to others, you’ll be given a free Web site with administrative tools to keep track of those who join under you. You’ll also participate in a two week boot camp that will teach you step by step through e-mail with audio how to make the most money from your Internet home work income business.

There are several programs on the Web that offer this kind of training and some, such as this, that train you and also offer you additional income while you’re growing your own Internet home work income business.

Praveen Kumar is a retired Submarine Captain. He has a passion for real estate investing for capital growth and internet marketing for cash flow. He has been helping others, who share the same vision, to start their home businesses and become financially free. Please click here to learn more about what he has to offer.

To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Local SOHO Laws
Copyright © Praveen Kumar


Starting an Internet home based business is one of the least time consuming, most effort-free and least costly of businesses when it comes to complying with local business regulations such as licensing. This is primarily because the main concern with so many municipalities is zoning. The reason behind zoning regulations for business involves the amount of walk-in and drive-in traffic that a residential or semi-residential community would have to endure with the addition of a home business in the neighborhood.

An Internet home based business seldom meets resistance by local authorities, because it’s reasonable to assume and easy to prove that this type of business doesn’t typically have client traffic. An Internet home business, just as its name would indicate, is conducted on the Web. Clients are met and communicated with by Web, by phone and by fax. Nothing of this would disturb the neighbors. In fact, the major hurdle of having the business there is the problems experienced by the Internet home based business owner – the interruptions and noise of the neighbors. The opposite is seldom true. Internet home based business owners can be in business for years before their neighbors even know they have a home business.

Here, then, are the procedures typical of complying with local home business regulations. Of course, each municipality, and particularly each state, will have its own set of costs and compliance requirements, though most don’t vary much. In Phoenix AZ, for example, the application for a local business license is $20 and the annual fee is $50, prorated for a portion of a calendar year the first year. The application is straightforward and easy to complete. The city wants to know the business name, the industry, and whether it’s a sole proprietorship, partnership or corporation. The Internet home based business owner would need to indicate the address, whether it’s a rental property or owned, whether the business records are stored there or elsewhere (and where that elsewhere is) and whether it’s a new business or one you just bought.

In most of South Carolina, in contrast, the additional question asked of an Internet home based business – or any home business – is how much, if any, client or vendor traffic is expected. They also inquire of the product or products sold, the type of business conducted in the course of the business day, and what type of business activities the proprietor or staff is engaged in during the course of that day. These questions are to determine if the business is going to be disruptive to the neighborhood. The business license fee starts at $20 (no application fee) and the first year is based on anticipated gross revenue. Subsequent years the owner is asked to divulge the gross profit of the prior year and from that the license fee is determined. Naturally the higher the gross profits the higher the business license fee.

Before you start your Internet home based business, the first stop to make – either in person or online – is the office of the city clerk.

Praveen Kumar is a retired Submarine Captain. He has a passion for real estate investing for capital growth and internet marketing for cash flow. He has been helping others, who share the same vision, to start their home businesses and become financially free. Please click here to learn more about what he has to offer.

To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:
ARTICLE: Automation - The Key to Success Online
by Izzy Camacho

If you've been looking into selling products online then you've probably heard some "expert" somewhere recommend that you create a web site that is fully automated and helps you make money 24 hours a day. While that might sound great, what they often forget to tell you is HOW to do that.

Well, I'm going to tell you right now, in this article!

First, what IS a Fully Automated Web Site? A Fully Automated Web Site can be defined as one that is equipped with an integrated suite of both e-commerce and internet marketing tools in a fashion that will allow you to be the most profitable with the least amount of effort.

Most e-commerce systems are equipped with the following essentials:

- A shopping cart.
- Acceptance and processing of credit cards.
- A maintenance system that allows you to add/change products.
- An order-retrieval system that enables you to fulfill orders.

However, what most of them are lacking are marketing tools. If your website hits it big and you don't have the proper tools in place, then you will be a slave to e-mail and order processing. I'm sure that's not what you intended.

There are several marketing strategies that are essential in the creation of a successful e-commerce web site:

- Email marketing (broadcasting) of prospects/customers
- Effective use of autoresponders (generate automatic email messages)
- Online Newsletter
- Online Form / Survey to capture your prospect's email address
- Electronic Product Delivery (if you sold a digital product)
- Advertisement (Ad) Tracking
- Back End Sales
- Affiliate program

Now, if you had a system that would support the integration of ALL of these marketing tools in addition to the necessary e-commerce essentials, then you would have a Fully Automated Web Site. After all, it has been shown that it often takes 7 or more ad exposures before prospective customers actually make a purchase. Consider the following scenario:

A prospect clicks on an advertisement in an online magazine. This action increments a counter for this particular ad to help you determine how well it’s working. They don’t decide to buy as of yet but join your newsletter. They are now considered a prospect. You begin to send them a monthly email newsletter. Additionally, an autoresponder kicks in to thank them for joining the newsletter as well as scheduling them to get email twice a month for the next 90 days reiterating your product benefits and inviting them to purchase.

Upon sending them one of your "juicy" offers that they couldn't refuse, they finally purchase. They will automatically be removed from your prospect list and added to your customer list.

Based on the particular product or service they’ve purchased, they will receive a series of emails every two weeks for the next 6 months offering complementary products. This will be the engine that will drive your back end sales and keep your customers coming back to your web site.

Being able to play out a scenario such as this using one integrated system would be pretty impressive don’t you think? The internet big boys do this with expensive e-commerce platform suites produced by vendors such as IBM, Microsoft and Oracle. Having your system automatically perform these follow up tasks frees you up to spend more time on your business, your health or your family!

=====> What can you do to create a fully automated web site?

Fortunately, there are ways that you can automate your website in much the same way that the big boys do. The best and most cost-effective way would be to sign up with one of the handful of Application Service Providers available on the internet which provide a shopping cart integrated with a full suite of marketing tools. Normally, the shopping cart and tools are very flexible and can be incorporated into any website.

=====> Are there any other ways to automate your business besides working with a total solution provider?

You can accomplish some level of automation without an integrated shopping cart system, however, it will require manual intervention and of course it would be incomplete. I believe that the most important asset of your e-commerce business is your email lists. Therefore, concentrate on the implementation of a good autoresponder/list server system to "enhance" your present e-commerce website. There are several good ones on the market. Look for providers that allow you to:

- Create multiple lists.
- Add prospects via a web form, email, or manually through a management console.
- Send out an unlimited number of autoresponder messages.
- Send out an unlimited number of email broadcasts.
- Set up and distribute a newsletter.

When setting up your autoresponder system, create one list for your "prospects" and another one for your "customers". Now, here's where you come in: when a person orders your product, you will have to perform the extra task of logging into your autoresponder system and manually remove them from the prospect list and add them to the customer list. This action will then trigger your customer autoresponder series of messages to be sent.

Remember, the key to building a successful e-commerce web site is to automate your marketing engine as much as possible and drive your prospects and customers back to your web site. This will certainly create a money magnet e-commerce web site for you!

Praveen Kumar is a retired Submarine Captain. He has a passion for real estate investing for capital growth and internet marketing for cash flow. He has been helping others, who share the same vision, to start their home businesses and become financially free. Please click here to learn more about what he has to offer.

To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Helping Others Helps You
Copyright © Praveen Kumar


Self-help is a great home Internet based business opportunity. People always want to improve themselves and their lot in life. Offering self help products that will help them to do this, especially without their having to let others know they’re working on it, and without their having to leave home to get started, offer a commonly successful home business opportunity.

Self-help products can include books, magazines, Web seminars or downloadable products such as e-books or PODS, and video or audio tapes or CDs. Whichever you choose to offer as a self-help entrepreneur, this can be a lucrative home Internet-based business opportunity.

The most popular self-help topics, and the ones most commonly successful as a home Internet based business opportunity have to do with improving one’s love life or sex life, losing weight and shaping up, and making money. There are three ways of making these self-help publications ready to sell as your home Internet based business opportunity. You can write the books yourself, you can purchase the books written by others and through a book or media wholesaler, or you can hire someone to write them for you.

If you’d prefer not having to worry about putting together the copy for the self-help books and instead concentrate on the sales end of your home Internet based business opportunity, you can turn to the many book wholesalers and buy the books in bulk at wholesale prices, or have them drop shipped from the wholesaler but branded to your business. One self-help book wholesaler, for example, offers books on making money in mail order, thinking and growing rich, improving your memory, conversation tips made easy, growing rich almost while you sleep, improving your personality, self-hypnosis, mental mastery and tips on concentration, how to write ads that work for your business, how to make money at home, 100’s of ways to make a fortune, and how to succeed in business.

While this wholesaler simply sells these books in bulk to you at a low cost so you can turn around, brand them as your own and resell them with a nice profit as your home Internet based business opportunity, the firm will also let you become a drop ship dealer. What this means is that you could, instead of selling that self-help book or books to the individual who wants to read it, you could turn around and sell it to another dealer who is selling it to a customer, taking the money from the dealer in return for which you would label the package as the dealer’s and send to the consumer from your location.

You could also find a drop ship wholesaler from whom you wouldn’t need to purchase any inventory for your home Internet based business opportunity. You simply take the book orders, pass them on to the wholesaler and that wholesaler puts your label on the box and sends the books to your customer. All you have to do for your home Internet based business opportunity to realize a profit is sell the books for more than the wholesale dealer charges you to send them to your customer, and provide the consumer contact information to the wholesaler. It’s that simple.

Praveen Kumar is a retired Submarine Captain. He has a passion for real estate investing for capital growth and internet marketing for cash flow. He has been helping others, who share the same vision, to start their home businesses and become financially free. Please click here to learn more about what he has to offer.

To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:
Help Yourself Help Others
Copyright © Praveen Kumar


Since there are so many thousands of entrepreneurs giving up their full time employment to explore their own Internet home based business idea, one successful Internet home based business idea may well be to help them succeed.

What we’re suggesting is starting a business support service, one that helps these netpreneurs take their Internet home based business idea and see it to fruition. You might offer services that include dictation, transcription, desktop publishing, typing or word processing, writing, editing, proofreading, ghostwriting, designing spreadsheets, answering the phone, delivering or forwarding mail, packaging and shipping, database management, billing, accounts payable, bookkeeping, resume services, photocopying and faxing, notarizing, Web research, Web page design and oversight, planning events, training staff, and a myriad number of consulting services.

Secretarial services of decades past involved typing, answering the phone and taking dictation by shorthand. Today the services are far more complex. Business support services have become a top notch Internet home based business idea as the complexities and technology involved in serving these exponentially growing small businesses lead to fewer and fewer adequately trained full time employees. Small employers, especially home-based typically don’t need full time employees, nor do they want to involve themselves in the complexities of employment law and taxation regulations. Business support service is an excellent Internet home based business idea because it is much needed and in much demand by these start up business owners who are just learning their way around the proprietorship and Internet business worlds.

While typing and dictation are still important functions in the working world, other newer services have evolved as equally or probably more important services, and your idea to offer business support as an Internet home based venture should include desktop publishing, Web research and proficiency with spreadsheet software such as Excel. While you can specialize as part of your business support services the greater proficiency you have in the various office software products and equipment the better chance you have of landing new and repeat clients.

There are two important factors in getting your Internet home based business idea off the ground. The first is to prepare yourself by training in the equipment and applications you will offer. The second is to find your potential clients. Since your business idea is to support others who have their own Internet based home business idea your potential leads might be very easy to find. In fact, they may hang out at the same places you do – the community college business start up classes, the local Small Business Development Center, the Chamber of Commerce get togethers and perhaps even Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE) seminars or meetings. There are many opportunities here to subtly let others know you are willing to support their new business idea’s start up and kick off your own business as well.

Praveen Kumar is a retired Submarine Captain. He has a passion for real estate investing for capital growth and internet marketing for cash flow. He has been helping others, who share the same vision, to start their home businesses and become financially free. Please click here to learn more about what he has to offer.

To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:

Monday, October 23, 2006

aKudos for Kiosks
Copyright © Praveen Kumar


For as little as $1250 and no experience whatsoever you can start an Internet home base business opportunity. One of the biggest and most far- sighted of Internet home base business opportunity ventures, this company offers a distributorship of Internet kiosks for the public.

One noted billionaire high technology predicted that the public Internet kiosk business would replace not only pay phones but also ATMS in the coming years, as they offered messaging capability, highway mapping and ticket purchases. He predicted this Internet home base business opportunity as one that would become essential and dominant.

The Internet kiosk business can be started easily from home. All you have to do is place your kiosks in cafes, restaurants, hotels, resorts, bus stations, airport terminals, libraries, workforce centers and any other place you can think of where people must wait and where they need information and Web access.

The way you entice the facility’s owner or manager to let your kiosk into the location is by sharing the profits with her or him. This is an Internet home base business opportunity that pays you instantly, the minute someone logs onto your kiosk. The money goes straight into the bank account that you designate.

This is a terrific opportunity that will grow in interest because on a daily basis more and more people use the Internet and need the Internet. There are few businesses that don’t require Internet communications. Families and friends who need to stay in touch while traveling need the Internet and may not want to lug around that hefty laptop bag. They need to know what to do for fun on their travels and how to get to their next entertainment destination. The kids can play Web games while the adults shop.

This Internet home base business opportunity gets lots of assist from the corporate owners. A step by step white paper tells you how to launch your kiosk business. You’ll learn the cost of the equipment, how to market your kiosks and their services, how to install them and how to manage your expenses and your profits.

This kiosk business is six years old and has its own kiosks in banks, physician’s waiting rooms, Laundromats, gift shops, colleges and universities, train and bus stations, hotels, resorts, coffee shops, rest areas, restaurants and hotels.

While hotels generally offer free high speed Internet access not many have any sort of hardware available. Statistics show that 80 percent of travelers have no laptops with them. Even if these hotels have a business service it’s generally a wait in line process for the one computer available. And there’s no privacy.

With your own Internet kiosk home base business opportunity you can install and then sit back and let the money roll in to your bank account. You don’t even have to cash the checks. What could be easier?

Praveen Kumar is a retired Submarine Captain. He has a passion for real estate investing for capital growth and internet marketing for cash flow. He has been helping others, who share the same vision, to start their home businesses and become financially free. Please click here to learn more about what he has to offer.

To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:

Sunday, October 22, 2006

The Ultimate, "Must-Have" Home-Based Business for YOU

The Ultimate, "Must-Have" Home-Based Business for YOU a
Underemployed, Unemployed, or Industrial Age Individual

Allow me to educate you on the issue of job security and
paint you a picture of what the aftermath can be if you
remain comfortable at your regular job. Job security is an
old-fashioned term that claims the longer an employee
worked for a particular company, the more precious that
person became. The employee was once valuable to the
company because they graduated from college, got a degree,
and/or had determination for hard labor.

Become A Global Home Business Pro. Free eBook download -17 Free. Make money with our 40 high-demand products.

In the past, it
was all right to become comfortable with your position. In
today's society, being comfortable is the wrong thing to do
and actually, it's a trap. This trap is the reason why
people with college degrees are without jobs and the good
workers are always the first ones released from a
professional setting. I am a Housekeeper for the Home at
Hearthstone, a nursing home in Cincinnati, Ohio. I work
from 7 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. for $8.40 per hour. The wages that
I make alone, tells you that I am working at a dead-end job
and receiving paychecks that don't reflect a thorough
performance. I am an underemployed 19 year old-male who
attends college and makes good grades. Graduating from
college might raise my income level slightly, but it will
not secure me a job.

Online Home Business Opportunity Websit. Sell your very own money making website.

I am among millions of individuals who
like their jobs and work very hard at their occupations. I
am also among many Americans who believe that in order to
maintain my job; I must show up to work everyday on time,
listen to my supervisor and do a complete and thorough job.
These three things combined will not keep you your job. If
you continue to hold that belief, you'll find yourself in
debt, have bad credit, and lose your house and other
financial obscurities. Losing what you have worked hard for
all your life is not a great feeling! What I am about to
tell you is very important and will save you time or
otherwise, reality will slap you in the face! Job Security
has departed from this world permanently.

PappaPc Home Business - Computer. Huge demand. Clean Computers. Spyware & Virus removal. 150K year real business.

Knowing that job
security is dead, what can YOU do to create a substantial
income? YOU need to do two things:

First, decide that you
want to work for yourself. Second, take the initiative to
start your own business. Either you can work for someone
else or you can work for yourself.

The second choice is
better than the first one. At 16, I thought that I can do
whatever I want on the job as long is my work is done. In
other words, I like to do things my way. I continue to feel
like that today in the workforce. When working for a
corporate employer, you must follow job policy at all
times. Conflict will arise when your rules don't match
policy rules and you're in jeopardy of losing your quicker
than you expected. If you hold similar beliefs such as
mine, then a home-based business if for YOU, which leads to
the biggest hurdle of the two steps, taking the initiative.

Great Home Business Ideas And Reports. Free Reports-2000rofits: Copy Us. Master Reprint Rights, Secret Formulas, Spy Software, Recipes,tons of materials to resell.

If you don't take the initiative to start your own
business, then you're making a foolish decision. Millions
of people are without jobs or working for awful wages. This
is due to a bad economy. The government will continue to
show their lack of sympathy by taking many taxes out of the
checks of lower and middle class citizens, while the rich
continue to get tax breaks. (There is a solution to that
problem if you click on the link in the resource box and
click on the Taxwayz link inside my website.) On August 25,
2004, I joined the Moneywayz program because my goal is to
make more money with a home-based business within a few
months than I make with my regular job in an entire year.
Within minutes of reading the brochure, I decided to put my
skepticism to the side and take a chance because if you do
not take chances, your income will become stagnant and you
will still be a subordinate to your supervisor. Can you
afford to live without money?

Tip! Be patient and understand that large incomes never happen overnight in any home based business. This is even more true if you are working a full-time job in addition to working your home business.

If you plan to start a
home-based business, but don't have an idea on exactly what
you want to do, then the following may be the most
important. Would you like to become a part of a business
that provides you with power-packed tools to become a
business success on the Internet? Would you like to join a
business who believes, "The Greatest Music Is Money"? Would
you like to end financial depression? If this is correct,
then read on further to the resource box. Educate yourself
and develop your skills so you can be a demand for
financial success!

Paul Wilson II, a second-year college student, business
owner will take you by the hand and paint YOU a picture of
the exact results achieved with the Moneywayz program!
Discover how you can achieve an explosive income with six
profitable businesses, starting today:

Praveen Kumar is a retired Submarine Captain. He has a passion for real estate investing for capital growth and internet marketing for cash flow. He has been helping others, who share the same vision, to start their home businesses and become financially free. Please click here to learn more about what he has to offer.

To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:

Tracking Traffic
Copyright © Praveen Kumar


One of the essential rules for home business Internet marketing, and for marketing of any business, is to know if the product or means you are using to market is working or not. It’s amazing the number of entrepreneurs that spend time and money on home business Internet marketing and don’t track it. By tracking we mean that they don’t keep track of how and why people inquire about or buy their products and services. They don’t know if the ad that they ran in the paper is the reason someone called for their technical help, or if the speech that they delivered at last week’s Chamber of Commerce luncheon might have lured that new customer.

Home business Internet marketing is successful only if the money and time spent on the effort to bring in new customers and new revenues does not exceed the profit made from that expense. A crucial part of determining Return on Investment (ROI) is knowing what Internet marketing tool works for your home business – and what does not.

Buying a home business Internet marketing analytic tool that can help track results makes good business sense for several other reasons, one of which is to determine what users and potential customers like about your Web site and what they don’t. Home business Internet marketing analysis software can tell you which pages were visited most frequently and the common exit and entry pages.

Exit pages are important, because if the page that a large number of consumers are exiting from is not the order confirmation page than that tells you that something about that page is driving users away from your site. Knowing where you go wrong so you can correct it is a crucial piece of Internet marketing information for your home business. Knowing the entry page gives you an idea of which of your home business Internet marketing tactics and resources worked.

Most Internet monitoring tools let you know which browsers and operating systems your site’s users have. You can find out, for instance, how many have Macs, how many have Windows based systems, how many use Internet Explorer and how many use Netscape. You’ll be able to see if consumers are also trying to navigate to “404” pages – those that no longer exist. These broken links must be fixed quickly or the message to these users is that your home business is not efficient and you’ll have lost that marketing opportunity.

With these monitoring tools installed for your site you can also keep track of your conversions (consumer visit that results in a sale) and determine the source of the visit as well as the path on your site that that buyer took to complete the sale.

Nor are home business Internet marketing and tracking tools costly. Some of the best software and services are priced at a low $20 a month.

Praveen Kumar is a retired Submarine Captain. He has a passion for real estate investing for capital growth and internet marketing for cash flow. He has been helping others, who share the same vision, to start their home businesses and become financially free. Please click here to learn more about what he has to offer.

To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:
Multi-Media Marketing for Money
Copyright © Praveen Kumar


More than most other online businesses, a home based Internet marketing business requires experience and training. There are some online home businesses, such as medical transcription, data entry, word processing and virtual call centers that you can start with some very basic skills and a short bit of initial training. A home based Internet marketing business is not one of these. While it’s not essential that you have a four year degree in marketing to succeed you must have some experience in marketing yours or others firm and should have taken some classes in marketing essentials.

If you’ve been a marketing specialist for another firm or acted in a management capacity that required you to practice some marketing job tasks, then you probably have a good feel for what marketing is all about. Now you just need some classes. For that you can go online if you prefer that to classroom learning. Let’s take a look at some of the courses that will train you for a home based Internet marketing business.

One 55 hour course, for example, is $99 at one online training facility we found. Courses include tips on advertising on the Web, building the client’s marketing strategy, developing your e-business, customer service, taking online payments, starting your home based Internet marketing business, e-commerce influences and strategies, writing and designing great applications, keeping business costs to a minimum for yourself as well as your client, managing and marketing your own e-business, the ins and outs of data mining and real time, as well as planning client resources.

The four hour course about Internet advertising is the kick off course for your home based Internet marketing business training. Here you’ll get a good overview of the various advertising options for your client when he or she markets on the Internet. The course objectives are to train you to promote your clients’ business on the Web, to plan the firm’s advertising campaign, to find your own customers, to compare the pros and cons of the various forms of advertising for your clients and to learn where Internet advertising is headed.

Building marketing strategy is one of the more essential courses for your home based Internet marketing business. In this online class you’ll learn a complex overview of the various marketing tools and options for your clients’ online business as well as your own. You’ll learn about outside promotion and data mining. Specific training includes identification of effective promotion in a face to face environment and a description of the relationship between e-commerce and public relations. In the five hour course you’ll also find out what niche marketing is all about and how it can help your client and your own home based Internet marketing business.

The E-business development course gets down to the basics. You’ll learn what a virtual corporation is, what business and marketing tasks you and your clients can and should outsource, understand partnership pros and cons, and look at the problems that can occur in an online business.

Praveen Kumar is a retired Submarine Captain. He has a passion for real estate investing for capital growth and internet marketing for cash flow. He has been helping others, who share the same vision, to start their home businesses and become financially free. Please click here to learn more about what he has to offer.

To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:

Promoting Your Home Business Offline

Tip! DECIDE WHETHER TO JOIN A COMPANY'S AFFILIATE PROGRAM OR PURSUE OTHER OPPORTUNITIES. There are many different ways to start a home business.

Most people are aware of the typical online promotional techniques home business owners have marketed through such as banners, link exchanges, different search engines, newsletters, forums, and the like. However, a good home based business must also consider offline promotion strategies as well and how to use them in order to generate more business.

Remember, that simply because your business is online does not mean you are restricted to simply advertising online. Promoting offline gives you opportunities to reach the people who may never find your ad or web site online. The most important tip for offline promotion strategies of course is your web site URL. You want your URL to be easily remembered, so it is important to pick something memorable when creating your URL. Then, when you have decided on the perfect, catchy URL, it is even more important to make sure that it is distributed in the offline world.

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There are many ways to do this. One, your URL should be on all stationary, invoices, and any communication you send should be branded with your URL. This is important because the more people see your URL the more likely they will be to remember it.Some advertisers have used billboards that have a large URL and nothing else on it, this creates curiosity in passersby's who often times will go and check it out just to ease their inquisitiveness. Another strategy is to place a large magnet on the side of your company vehicle because it can easily list the web page address, any other information, and can easily be changed if necessary.

Make sure you have your URL displayed on your web pages. The reason for this is to target individuals who print out articles or other information to read later. You want these people to know the address of what they are reading so they can return. There is also a chance that other people will see what was printed and they will be able to see your URL.

Tip! Understand that your home business is going to require an investment. Just like any commercial business, your home business is going to need funds for marketing supplies, tools and advertising.

There is always television and radio advertising when it fits in your budget. Off-peak hours advertising is not nearly as expensive as prime time advertising. You can check with your local cable channels and local radio stations for pricing information. They will also be able to help you find your target audience. For instance, if your web page hosts real estate listings in North Carolina, you will want to advertise on local North Carolina channels and radio stations. Advertising this way significantly reduces the price and gets the word out to many targeted individuals.

Also, contact your local newspaper and let the business editor know you have a new business and Web site and what you offer. Frequently, local newspapers are interested in featuring local business people and their accomplishments. This form of free advertising can really help get your business noticed.

Tip! Don't waste your time on cynics. It doesn't matter what type of business you have, these people will never succeed in any home business.

Put on your creative hat and work on those offline promotion strategies, be creative and constantly thinking of new ways you can get the word out. Creativity will usually draw interested visitors. Promoting your business offline is every bit as important as your online promotions. Make sure your web site is up to date and ready for all of the new visitors you will get from your offline promotions.

Praveen Kumar is a retired Submarine Captain. He has a passion for real estate investing for capital growth and internet marketing for cash flow. He has been helping others, who share the same vision, to start their home businesses and become financially free. Please click here to learn more about what he has to offer.

To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit: