Thursday, December 22, 2005

I am no expert ..............just an ordinary guy who wants to explore life in its fullest sense. I was abandoned & penniless at the age of 12. The pain in me lead me to a spiritual search to understand the meaning of life. I sincerely thought I could sustain myself by being non materialistic. As my mind expanded I understood the reality of money & its relationship to the internal world.

I realised that money is a lovable evil. Everyone needs it. It not only sustains relationships, it can also buy love. Even spiritual growth is not possible without it as the body needs to be supported. Giving and charity can begin only once you have enough of it. However, the process of acquring this lovable evil can be a pain in the neck. It can iterfere with your value system & relationships. When I was employed I hated the rat race, organisation politics, lack of time freedom and being at mercy of the boss. Next I tried my hand at traditional business to gain the freedom everyone aspires for. Transition from a regular job to a business was worse than a horror film. I started in the service industry to keep my initial investment & risk low. Soon I found myself in thick of cut throat competion for new contracts, cash flow problems & numerous personal problems of employees. The business gave me some sense of freedom but also tied me down physically to a limited space. I could not soar like a free bird that I aspired for. I sold my traditional business and looked for an ideal business opportunity that would answer my needs.

I came across Paine Webber™, a major American financial company, which defines The Ideal Business in the following twelve points. If a business has three or more of these points it is considered to be a good investment.
þ The Ideal Business sells the world rather than a single neighborhood. In other words, it has an unlimited global market.
þ The Ideal Business offers a product, which enjoys an Inelastic demand. (Inelastic refers to a product that people need or desire almost at any price.)
þ The Ideal Business markets a product that cannot be easily copied. This means that the product is an original or, at least, it is something that can be copyrighted or patented.
þ The Ideal Business has minimal labor requirements. The fewer personnel, the better.
þ The Ideal Business operates on a low overhead. It does not need an expensive location. It does not need large amounts of electricity, or advertising, or legal advice, or high-priced employees, or a large inventory.
þ The Ideal Business does not require big cash outlays or major investments in equipment or product. In other words, it does not tie up your capital.
þ The Ideal Business enjoys cash billing. In other words, it does not tie up your capital with lengthy or complex credit terms.
þ The Ideal Business is relatively free of all kinds of government regulations or strictures.
þ The Ideal Business is portable or easily moveable. This means you can take your business and yourself anywhere you want to.
þ The Ideal Business satisfies your intellectual needs. There is nothing like being fascinated with what you do.
þ The Ideal Business leaves you with free time. In other words, it doesn't require your labor and attention 12, 16, or 18 hours a day.
þ The Ideal Business is one in which your income is not limited by your personal output (Leverage). In the Ideal-Business, you can have 10,000 customers as easily as you can one.

Please keep a look out for my next message as to how I found the ideal business opportunity that answered most of my needs & met the principles outlined above.

Praveen Kumar
Ultimate Success Team

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